Dre Campbell Farm
11 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Caterpillars on Plants

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11 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Caterpillars on Plants

Most people think that caterpillars can’t cause too much damage in a garden. After all, they’re cute and turn into beautiful butterflies or moths—how bad could they be?

It turns out that almost all caterpillars are leaf-eaters that can cause damage to many of your crops. They can be a significant pest of tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, basil, lettuce, and cabbage.

Here’s how to get rid of caterpillars naturally:

1. Soap and Water

A soap-and-water mixture is an inexpensive remedy to stop little green caterpillars from eating your plants.

Completely dissolve a small amount of organic liquid soap in warm water.

Next, pour the solution into a spray bottle. Finally, spray your vegetables, nasturtiums, roses, or whichever plants they eat.

Does soapy water kill caterpillars? No, it doesn’t. The mixture won’t harm them or your plants. However, it will make a slippery surface that stops the caterpillars from walking on or eating your plants.

2. Bacillus thuringiensis

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is very effective against some pests, like hairy caterpillars (higad) and mosquito larvae [1]. It causes the pests to stop eating and later die.

This insecticide is toxic to these critters. However, it is safe for humans, animals, and many beneficial garden insects (like ladybugs).

It is safe for your organic garden, but wash all produce before eating. Also, when buying, look for an organic brand or one with the OMRI stamp.

3. Neem Oil

Neem oil is a great natural pesticide. Many organic farmers use it to control caterpillars in the garden.

Also, it will help control tomato worms, cabbage worms, and other plant-eating pests.

Dilute two ounces of neem oil in one gallon of water and shake well. Next, apply it to the affected plants.

Within hours, it will kill leaf-eating caterpillars.

4. Pepper and Garlic Mixture

This potent mixture is a home remedy for killing caterpillars. It also works well as a natural repellent for aphids and cabbage moths.

Combine one tablespoon of dried red pepper flakes, one bulb of minced garlic, one teaspoon of liquid soap, and a gallon of water.

Blend, and then let the mixture stand for at least 24 hours. Spray wherever needed to keep these hungry eaters and other pests off your plants.

5. Chili Spray

This spray is another effective DIY remedy for getting rid of caterpillars outside. Read: 15 Homemade Caterpillar Repellent Sprays.

Combine 3 ½ ounces of ground chili pepper with ½ gallon of boiling water. Let it boil for five minutes, then remove it from the heat. Next, add ½ gallon of cold water and 2-3 drops of liquid soap.

Stir well, and let the mixture sit and cool for a few hours. Try it on a small section of an affected plant, then check it after 24 hours. If there are no adverse effects, use it all over the plants as needed.

6. Create a Habitat Friendly to Birds

An excellent caterpillar-killing method for affected tall trees is to attract birds.

Most birds like eating crawly things. They are also the perfect helpers in controlling sawflies and their larvae.

If you see small leaf-eating caterpillars on your roses, gooseberry bush, or hibiscus, they might be sawfly larvae.

So, install a birdhouse and/or put some feed near the trees. Birds will likely come and eat the critters.

Note: There are better ideas if the caterpillars are on apple or other fruit trees at home. The birds may also eat your fruit.

If you have space, you can also keep chickens. Let them wander your yard and around the house. They will help with bad garden worms and other pests.

7. Vinegar Solution

Gardeners often use vinegar as a natural insecticide. It deters and kills many pests that destroy crops, so a light vinegar solution may help keep caterpillars away.

Mix two tablespoons of vinegar with four liters of water. Spray it where the critters are visible, eating your plants’ leaves or other parts.

Raw vinegar can also kill snails and slugs if it is sprayed on them.

8. Burlap

The burlap barrier band trap is another excellent way to protect trees from caterpillars.

Wrap a piece of burlap (about 12 inches tall) around the tree.

Next, tie twine or rope around the middle to fasten it to the tree. Now drop the top half of the burlap over the rope or twine so it hangs over the bottom half.

The caterpillars will then crawl under the “shade” during the day’s heat. Once they are all under the burlap covering, squish or remove them by hand.

9. Cover Your Plants

You can cover your plants with thin mesh to help keep off caterpillars and other crawling pests.

Row covers can also prevent caterpillar infestations. They stop moths and butterflies from laying eggs on your crops.

10. Complement Your Plants

Certain plants will naturally repel caterpillars and other pests. Peppermint, lavender, mugwort, and sage are some of the most potent plants that repel garden caterpillars.

So, plant them in or around your vegetable garden or flower bed to help deter caterpillars.

11. Remove Them By Hand

Hand removal of caterpillars is one of the safest ways to remove them from your house and plants.

Afterward, you can squish them or place them elsewhere in your yard. Squishing the caterpillars will kill them instantly.

For tent caterpillars, drop the nests into a bag and dispose of the bag. But wear gloves when dealing with them.

Hand-picking is also an easy method to get rid of tomato hornworms, gypsy moth larvae, bagworms, armyworms, and other harmful insect larvae.

Other Organic Caterpillar Control Methods

  • Spraying caterpillars with enough water to drown them can also be an easy fix.
  • You should also look for the eggs and dispose of them immediately.
  • Ensure you don’t have any lights on in your garden or flower bed at night. Lights may attract moths, and they may lay their eggs on your plants.
  • Buy caterpillar control pesticides such as Molt-X, JMS Stylet Oil, Diatomaceous Earth, and Monterey Spinosad. These products are OMRI-listed, meaning they are safe for use in organic gardening.


Caterpillar infestations are a serious problem for organic farmers in Australia, Florida, and elsewhere.

Therefore, regularly check your tomatoes, peppers, kale, and other crops. If you think you have an issue with caterpillars, follow these natural solutions to get rid of them.

Sasha Campbell

Sasha Campbell is an experienced blogger in the organic gardening and natural health niches. She's also a lover of all things natural.


  • I have got 100’s of caterpillars on my plants

    Do you know how to get rid of them ?

  • I have a serious blood condition called
    ET (essential thrombosythemia) this
    Condition is very rare BUT it is
    believed to be caused by
    non organic insecticides in the
    air we breath.

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