Otherwise called greenfly or blackfly, the aphid feeds on plant sap. Many aphids also produce honeydew, attracting ants and other insects [1].
They are among the most common plant pests and can cause damage to a variety of plants. However, there are many home remedies and natural methods to control them.
Here’s how to get rid of aphids naturally:
1. Neem Oil
Neem oil is excellent for killing aphids naturally. It also works great against other insect pests in your garden.
Combine one tablespoon of neem oil suitable for garden use, one tablespoon of liquid soap, and a gallon of water. Finally, pour this homemade greenfly spray into a bottle and spray your plants.
2. Essential Oils
Some essential oils can keep aphids out of your garden. Anise, basil, fennel, peppermint, and pennyroyal essential oils all work against these pests [2].
Therefore, mix 2 ounces of essential oil with a gallon of water. This remedy makes a fantastic spray for getting rid of aphids organically.
Not only will it kill these small green bugs that fly, but it will also work on the eggs.
3. Soapy Water
Use some liquid soap and water to make a mild aphid soap spray suitable for your vegetable garden.
Mix five tablespoons of liquid soap with a gallon of water for the recipe. Shake well and spray the affected plants.
Alternatively, purchase a ready-to-use insecticidal soap spray.
Use this remedy to get rid of aphids on houseplants and outdoor plants. However, it can also kill beneficial bugs, so be careful not to spray them too.
4. Epsom Salt
You can also make a homemade aphid spray using Epsom salt. All you need for this DIY treatment are two tablespoons of Epsom salt, two teaspoons of liquid soap, and a gallon of water.
Next, mix the ingredients and pour the solution into a spray container. Finally, shake it well and use it to coat your plants.
This spray will keep away aphids and repel other destructive insects as well. Read more on how to use Epsom salt on plants.
5. Garlic Spray
Garlic is also a great natural repellent for green flies and other insect pests. Therefore, use it to make a DIY spray that will force these critters to stay away.
For the recipe, get some mineral oil, fresh garlic, a teaspoon of liquid dish soap, and 2 cups of water.
Chop up four garlic cloves and let them sit overnight in 2 teaspoons of mineral oil. Next, strain and add the garlic oil to the 2 cups of water. Now add the liquid soap.
Finally, shake well and spray this garlic repellent spray all over your plants.
6. Vinegar Solution
A vinegar solution is commonly used to kill plant lice and deter other garden pests.
Make a natural aphid spray using vinegar. Combine one tablespoon of liquid soap, four tablespoons of white vinegar, and a gallon of water.
Finally, add the solution to a spray bottle and use it to coat the affected plants.
7. Diatomaceous Earth (DE)
Another excellent home remedy to kill greenflies is diatomaceous earth. It will dehydrate them to death.
DE also works on a lot of other garden pests. It is a go-to remedy to get rid of bad plant bugs organically, but you should purchase a safe brand for your organic garden.
Lightly dust the leaves of the affected plants. Alternatively, make an aphid killer spray by combining five tablespoons of diatomaceous earth with a gallon of water.
Use the solution to spray the affected plants (aphids and all), but ensure it is not heavily dripping. The solution will kill the pests when it dries out.
Reapply once there’s a heavy downpour of rain.
8. Hose Them
This method is another effective home remedy for getting rid of aphids on plants. Use the garden hose to spray the affected plants.
The strong gush of water will knock off the pests.
9. Trap Crops
This is a clever pest control method to get rid of aphids on roses, tomato plants, dahlias, and other plants they love.
Nasturtiums, nettles, and calendula are excellent trap crops for this purpose. Aphids will swarm these sacrificial plants and, when they do, pull the plants up and discard them.
10. Baking Soda
One common question the gardening community asks is, “Will baking soda kill aphids?” Yes, it will.
Mix one tablespoon of baking soda, one teaspoon of dish soap, and two tablespoons of vegetable oil with a gallon of water.
Transfer the solution to a spray bottle. Shake well and use to spray aphids on your plants.
11. Encourage Birds to Come Around
Putting out bird feeders will help attract birds that feed on harmful insects and related pests in your garden.
Birds like hummingbirds, chipping sparrows, and other backyard birds eat aphids.
12. Aluminum Foil
Place aluminum foil on the ground underneath your plants. This will reflect light on the undersides of leaves, which will deter aphids.
It will also help retain soil moisture. But remember to pick up the foil after the gardening season to protect the environment.
13. Repellent Plants
Marigolds, garlic, catnip, rosemary, chives, and rye are some plants that repel aphids. Plant these in or around your garden to help keep these insects away.
14. Pick them Off
Another excellent aphid control remedy is to pick them off your plants. Next, drop them into a container with soap and water.
The soapy water will suffocate them.
15. Squish the Eggs
Remove the eggs from the leaves and squish them. Destroying aphid eggs will disrupt their life cycle.
While the eggs are not an immediate threat, the new aphids will start feeding on your plants as soon as they hatch.
16. Get Rid of Ants
Some ants protect aphids. Therefore, you should focus on getting rid of ants if you see many in your garden.
17. Onion Spray
Use an onion to make a homemade spray that repels green flies. Blend one onion in a cup of water. Next, strain and use the solution to spray the affected plants.
Greenflies hate the smell of onions.
18. Beneficial Insects
Some insects feed on other insects. However, it is essential to distinguish the beneficial insects from the insects and pests that can damage your plants.
Aphid predators include ladybugs, green lacewings, damsel bugs, soldier beetles, and parasitic wasps.
19. Wood Ash
Some gardeners have successfully used wood ash on their plants to suffocate aphids and other pests. Therefore, sprinkle a little on the affected plants to see if it works.
20. Milk Spray
Milk spray is another homemade solution for killing aphids. For the recipe, combine half a gallon of milk with half a gallon of water.
Shake it up and use it to spray your plants. This is a safe way to kill aphids. The spray also helps get rid of fungal issues on your plants.
21. Safe Commercial Pesticides
Perhaps the easiest and quickest way to eliminate an aphid colony is to invest in safe and natural pesticides such as these:
These insecticides kill aphids and other plant pests naturally. Moreover, the products are OMRI-listed, which means they are safe for use in organic gardening.
These home remedies and organic treatments can help eliminate, repel, or control aphids and prevent many other pests from invading your garden.
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