Dre Campbell Farm
16 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Slugs and Snails

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16 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Slugs and Snails

Silvery slime trails and irregular holes in plant leaves are strong signs that slugs or snails have been in your garden.

Snails and slugs are a major problem most gardeners face at some point. So, as soon as you spot them or see signs of their presence, please make every effort to get rid of them from your garden.

Here’s how to get rid of slugs and snails naturally:

1. Table Salt

Table salt is an excellent home remedy to kill slugs and snails almost instantly, within minutes.

So sprinkle some table salt on these pests. It will absorb their body fluids and dehydrate them to death.

Epsom salt works similarly for controlling slugs and snails. It is also safer to use around plants than table salt.

2. Remove Them by Hand

This might be a gross home remedy to stop slugs from eating your plants, but it works.

Wait about an hour or two after the sun goes down, then look at your garden. Bring a flashlight so you can see the creatures.

You don’t need to use your bare hands, either. We recommend using a pair of tweezers or wearing gloves when picking them off.

Slugs are most active from spring through fall and love cool, damp, shaded areas [1].

Therefore, look under ground cover plants and in any dark or shady areas, such as on the bottom of rocks. This is the best way to find them, but you should also look for eggs.

There are also certain plants that these pests are fond of. These include basil, cabbage, strawberries, lettuce, hostas, dahlias, beans, and succulents. So look for them around these plants.

3. Beneficial Nematodes

Let’s put it this way: snails and slugs are bad for your garden plants. However, using beneficial nematodes is a natural way to kill soil-dwelling slugs and snails.

You can purchase beneficial nematodes online. Follow the instructions that come with your order on how to use it.

4. Cornmeal

Some gardeners find cornmeal helps attract and kill a few slugs and snails.

Just pour small piles of cornmeal at various locations in your garden. You can also put some cornmeal in a jar and lay it on its side for them to crawl in and eat.

5. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth works incredibly well for killing these garden pests. It has sharp, fine edges that will damage their soft bodies.

Sprinkle this natural slug and snail killer around your vegetable garden. However, you will have to reapply after a heavy shower of rain.

You can also use it in spray form. Make a homemade slug-repellent spray by mixing four tablespoons of diatomaceous earth with a gallon of water.

Shake the solution well and use it to spray your plants. It will become effective against these pests once it dries out.

6. Scratchy Surfaces

Another neat method to keep slugs out of the garden and house is to lay down rough surfaces.

Surround your garden and flower pots with scratchy surfaces such as sandpaper or crushed eggshells. You’ll find these pests leave the garden and stop climbing your flower pots.

7. Beer 

You can also bait and kill these creatures with beer. To make a homemade beer trap for slugs and snails, look for a spot to bury a container.

Make sure the spot is close to the affected area of your garden and yard. Now, fill the container to about an inch deep with stale beer.

Next, bury the container in the chosen spot so the rim is level with the ground. Slugs and snails are attracted to the smell of malt, so they’ll drop in and drown.

Besides, any beer will do. This natural slug trap also works excellently for greenhouses and indoor spaces.

8. Coffee Grounds

It is said that caffeine is toxic to slugs and snails. So, used coffee grounds can effectively get them to leave your garden.

To get rid of slugs and snails with coffee grounds, sprinkle some around your plants.

You can also make a DIY spray with one part brewed coffee and nine parts water. Use it to spray your plants to deter these pests.

9. Natural Predators

This is one of the best methods for getting rid of pests in the garden.

Birds that eat slugs include jays, magpies, robins, starlings, and blackbirds. These natural predators also adore pecking at other garden pests.

So, set up a birdbath or a few bird feeders nearby to attract birds. Other natural predators of slugs and snails include toads, turtles, snakes, and chickens.

10. Copper Surfaces

Some gardeners also find copper a natural repellent for slugs and snails.

Therefore, try using copper slug tape around your flower pots, grow beds, and greenhouse to help keep the critters away.

11. Vinegar Solution

Does vinegar kill snails? Yes, it will, and it kills slugs too.

To get rid of snails and slugs with vinegar, combine one cup of vinegar with half a cup of water in a spray bottle. When these pests are active, go out and spray them directly.

12. Human Hair Clippings

If you have a local hair salon or barbershop, ask them for some floor sweepings of human hair.

You can place hair around the base of your plants and affected areas of your house to help deter snails and slugs. It also works great for potted plants.

How does this work? It’s simple. They won’t go on it.

As a bonus, the hair will also add nitrogen to the soil as it decomposes, making your plants even healthier [2].

13. Garlic Spray

A basic recipe to make garlic spray for slugs is to blend one bulb of garlic in a liter of water.

Let the mixture stand for about ten minutes. Next, strain it and use it to spray your plants and the pests that you see.

This solution helps repel slugs and snails naturally, thanks to the allicin in minced garlic.

14. Grapefruit Halves 

One of the best home remedies for slug prevention is the grapefruit trap. It is a simple trick that many people overlook. First, enjoy your grapefruit!

Next, place the empty peel halves upside down near the plants you’ve seen them destroying. They’ll take the bait and hide underneath.

In the morning, remove the slugs and feed them to the birds!

15. Traps

To stop slugs and snails from eating your plants without killing them, try using humane traps such as Slug Saloon or Snailer.

You can also place a piece of plywood or a board near where they gather most often. They’ll likely hide underneath, making it easy for you to move them somewhere else.

16. Safe and Natural Slug Control Products

Sluggo and Slug Gone are safe and natural repellent products that get rid of slugs organically.

These are both made of ingredients that are safe for use in your organic garden.


Snails and slugs are two of the most common pests that attack vegetables in the garden.

However, the home remedies and natural solutions above will help control them, prevent an infestation, and sometimes get rid of them permanently.

Sasha Campbell

Sasha Campbell is an experienced blogger in the organic gardening and natural health niches. She's also a lover of all things natural.


  • Which of these methods do you recommend that will not harm the earth worms?

      • Thank you! I’ve wondered if DE was safe for garden worms. I appreciate the information.

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