Many food crops thrive well in cool weather [1]. Quite a few of them can be grown in winter, including kale. What’s more, some of these can not only survive in the snow but also become more flavorful and sweet...
17 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Earwigs (Pincher Bugs)
A large earwig infestation can damage garden crops. As a result, you must get rid of them if you spot many of these pests. Earwigs (pincher bugs) fall into the insect order Dermaptera [1]. They are found on every...
13 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Colorado Potato Beetles (Potato Bugs)
Once you spot one Colorado potato beetle, there could be more hiding in your garden. These beetles are known simply as potato bugs. They are a challenging pest to deal with, causing much damage to potato crops [1]. The...
15 Examples of Erosion and How to Prevent Them
Human activity can cause erosion much faster than any natural process. In addition to moving rock particles and soil, debris can also be moved, causing buildups in low areas. However, though often confused with each...
Good and Bad Companion Plants for Peppers
One of the most popular vegetables to grow alongside other plants in a garden is peppers. But which plants are good companions for peppers, and which ones should be avoided? In this article, we’ll highlight the...
12 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Kissing Bugs
Kissing bugs can be harmful to humans and some animals; therefore, getting rid of them is vital. In this article, we will discuss some of the best natural control methods to handle these bugs. Identification Kissing...
10 Benefits of Ladybugs and How to Attract Them
Ladybugs are not bugs. Scientists list them as beetles. Therefore, they are also called lady beetles or ladybird beetles. Ladybugs are in the Coccinellidae family, class (Insecta), and order (Coleoptera). There are...
Opossum Facts and Garden Benefits
The Americas are home to the Common and Virginia opossum. They are good to have around because they provide many benefits to your yard and garden. Opossums are the largest order of marsupial in the Western Hemisphere...
What Do Caterpillars Eat? Damage to Your Garden
There are as many species of caterpillars as there are butterflies and moths. Most feed on leaves and some even eat flowers and fruits. A well-known type of green caterpillar is the Tomato Hornworm. Hornworms are blue...
20 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Grasshoppers on Plants
Many pests cause chewing damage to plants. One of them is the grasshopper. Grasshoppers are insects that feed on many garden plants and field crops. As a result, you must get rid of them before an infestation occurs...