While some plants can help enhance the growth of your broccoli, others can be bad for it. In this article, we will take a look at what grows well with broccoli and what to avoid planting near it. Good Companion Plants...
Anyone here seen Charlotte’s Web? Do you remember them stressing how beneficial spiders are to us and our world? That isn’t a joke; they are quite helpful, especially the yellow garden spider (Argiope...
There are many solutions available for dealing with pests, ranging from pesticides to nontoxic compounds to even substances you probably already have in your home.
If you are a beginner gardener, you may have heard of the term “crop rotation.” Or perhaps you are already practicing it. This is an incredibly useful and important step for any gardener to be familiar with...
In this article, we’re here to help you sort through organic treatments and home remedies for plant diseases. Infectious plant diseases are caused by pathogenic organisms such as bacteria, viruses, and nematodes...
Dragonflies provide many garden benefits, and it doesn’t take much to attract them. They are skilled hunters, going after small insects such as moths, leafhoppers, and mosquitoes. For both of these reasons...
The name is given quite appropriately here. If you see an armyworm, then there may be hundreds more to follow. This is not exactly ideal news, as they can cause extensive crop damage [1]. If you’ve never seen an...
If you’re interested in commercial rabbit farming or cuniculture, this article might help. For many people, rabbits are small, quiet, docile pets given to their children to teach them responsibility. But, for...
Below are some basic things you need to know to grow parsnips at home. Parsnip is a member of the parsley family (Apiaceae) [1], which includes carrots, dill, fennel, parsley, and other plants. They’re a bit of a...
Natural fertilizers can help plants grow. They support plant growth by supplying some nutrients that the crops need. They also improve the soil. With some creativity, you can make nutrient-rich fertilizers at home using...