Dre Campbell Farm
Uses for Lime in the Garden

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Uses for Lime in the Garden & How to Apply

Adding agricultural lime to the soil helps reduce soil acidity. This allows alkaline-loving plants to better take up nutrients from the soil.

However, there are many other uses for lime in the garden. Below, you’ll learn about what garden lime does for the soil and how to use it in the garden.

Benefits of Garden Lime

Below are some benefits of adding Ag lime to the soil.

1. Helps Improve Soil Activity

Some benefits of using garden lime in the soil include increased earthworm activity and microorganisms working to improve the soil.

When the soil is acidic, these organisms cannot survive. As a result, this product makes the soil less acidic, creating a comfortable environment for beneficial organisms.

2. It Adds Calcium to the Soil

The primary active component in agricultural lime is calcium carbonate. Therefore, you can use it to add calcium to soil with a low pH level.

Ag lime also contains a little magnesium [1], another nutrient that is essential for crop production.

3. Improves Soil Texture

Agricultural lime can also help improve soil texture. It allows water to seep into the soil rather than puddling on top of it, thus also bringing water to the roots of the plants.

It can also help bind sandy soil and loosen clay soil, allowing it to drain more easily and receive better aeration.

4. Controls Garden Pests

Powdered lime is very dusty. So, certain insects may not be able to breathe properly when it’s dusted on them.

Its texture may also make it difficult for certain insects to crawl through it. However, exercise caution, as aglime might also affect beneficial insects.

Garden Plants That Need Ag Lime

Plants that benefit from ag lime include peas, cabbage, beetroot, squash, beans, asparagus, and lettuce. Other lime-loving plants include onions, lavender, spinach, garlic, and apples.

Plants That Don’t Need Lime

Garden lime is not good for all plants. Plants that grow well in acidic soil, such as blueberries, strawberries, and peppers, would do better without an Ag lime application.

Additionally, avoid using it on azaleas, eggplant, cucumbers, rhododendron, and sweet potatoes.

When to Apply

Agri-lime needs time to work in the soil—up to a few months, depending on the weather conditions.

It takes time for lime to become active in the soil. As a result, some gardeners use it in the fall so it can start reacting with the soil before spring.

Soil Testing

If you’ve recently moved to an area and aren’t sure about the soil pH levels, it’s a good idea to get a soil test done.

Even if you’ve had the same garden for years, a lack of good crop rotation practices may have depleted your soil nutrients and changed the pH in some areas of your garden.

Most plants thrive well in soil with a pH between 6.2 and 6.8 [2]. However, plants cannot absorb soil nutrients if the pH is too acidic or too alkaline (too low or too high). Therefore, testing is vital before applying lime.

There are home soil testing kits you can get online. You can use it yourself or have someone come over and do the testing for you.

Moreover, the tests are not that expensive. They will also give you good baseline knowledge about the kind of soil you have.

How to Apply Agricultural Lime

As noted earlier, the method of application will depend on which form of lime you’re using and where you’re using it.

Over a large area, such as a lawn, the push-broadcast spreader would be the best method for applying the pelletized form. For a smaller lawn, there are handheld spreaders with a hand crank that spray the pellets a few feet in front of you.

In the vegetable garden, you’ll want to treat individual plants by sprinkling garden lime powder around the base. For open plots, sprinkle it over dry soil and rake it in evenly.

How Often to Apply

The general time span for application to your vegetable garden is every two to three years.

However, depending on your soil test results, you may need to apply lime annually or biannually if your soil is highly acidic.


Be aware of the type of lime you’re using for your fields. Also, follow the directions on the package for the correct application and general safety precautions [3].

Quicklime (calcium oxide) and hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide) are caustic and therefore not suitable for home gardens [4].

Even with regular garden lime (aglime), which contains calcium carbonate, you should be careful when using it, as too much can be a bad thing.

If applied excessively, Ag lime can burn plants, especially if the plant is already weak. Also, drought or frost can damage a plant, and the incorrect (generally excessive) use of ag lime could cause damage to the point of losing the plant altogether.

High alkalinity can also lead to chlorosis, which is the yellowing of leaves as a result of a lack of chlorophyll.

Where to Buy?

You can buy garden lime at most gardening centers. It is also available online from reputable organic gardening suppliers, such as DoMyOwn.


Traditionally used in agriculture to alter the soil’s pH, Ag lime helps plants absorb minerals and nutrients from the soil. However, exercise caution when using, as too much can result in very high alkalinity, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies in plants.

Image via urbangardenseeds.com

Andre Campbell

Andre is an organic farmer and co-founder of Dre Campbell Farm. He appreciates everything in nature—sunshine, plants, animals, and human life.

1 comment

  • So what is the best kind of lime to use in a small garden with tomatoes, corn, cucumbers and blueberries?

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