Dre Campbell Farm
9 Best Types of Garden Mulch

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10 Best Types of Garden Mulch

Laying down mulch in garden beds may be a big task, but it is one that pays off if used correctly. Mulching is a common practice that farmers use to suppress weeds and, in some cases, improve garden soil quality.

Below are 10 different types of mulch, their benefits, and how to use them in the garden.

Mulching Benefits  

Mulch is any kind of protective material used to cover the soil. Below are the main benefits of using mulch in the garden:

  • Keeps down weeds.
  • Preserves moisture in the soil.
  • Improves the condition of the soil.
  • Protects the soil from compaction during extreme weather conditions.
  • Keeps the ground warm.
  • Prevents soil erosion.
  • Restricts damage from some pests and wildlife.
  • As they decompose, they impart valuable nutrients to the soil beneath.
  • Enhances the attractiveness of the garden.

Overall, mulched soil leads to a healthier, more eye-catching garden.

Different Types of Mulch

There are two basic types: organic and inorganic.

Inorganic mulches: inorganic materials like landscape fabric and gravel can be used effectively but do not decompose.

Organic mulches include things that were once living: grass clippings, wood chips, compost, paper, etc.

These have more benefits for the soil, your plants, and the environment. They are better to use because they decompose naturally, adding organic matter to the soil.

Below are the most commonly used mulches among gardeners.

1. Newspaper

You can use this as a cheap, biodegradable plant mulch if you already have daily or weekly newspapers in the house.

Is it safe for gardening? Most publications now use dyes and pigments that contain organic materials for their printing [1]. For this reason, this method has become more popular in organic gardening recently.

Put down sheets of newspaper on top of the soil before wetting it. Additionally, using stones or bricks to hold the edges will protect them from blowing away.

You can also put a layer of several sheets of newspaper with organic mulch, such as grass cuttings, over them. This will help keep the papers in place.

2. Grass Clippings

Again, this is cost-effective where there is a regular supply of cut grass. Points to ponder with this method include the tendency of wet clippings to get slimy and smell.

Therefore, it is best to let grass clippings dry before spreading them out. Left too long without being forked over, they can become a slimy mat, preventing air and water from getting through.

What’s more, grass clippings do rot down quickly to enrich the soil.

3. Wood Bark

This is one of the more attractive mulches and can be bought in gardening stores.

Shredded bark from cedar, pine, hemlock, or spruce is long-lasting and can sometimes be acquired for free from woodcutters in the area. Additionally, it breaks down slowly and is one of the best types of mulch.

4. Cardboard

Use cardboard in much the same way as the newspaper.

It is relatively biodegradable and is most useful for suppressing weeds and providing warmth. However, wax-coated cardboard limits water absorption and is best avoided.

Using a layer of straws or hay over the cardboard before wetting it will help keep it in place. Some farmers also use rocks to prevent them from blowing away.

5. Straw and Hay

These mulches are among the most popular and effective choices for organic vegetable gardens. They go down well and are easy to handle.

Moreover, beneficial insects enjoy the warmth and feeding opportunities they provide. Straw and hay are also useful in protecting seeds from birds or being washed out by heavy rainfall.

To use straw mulch, place a handful between plant rows in layers three to six inches thick. However, be careful not to stifle plants—keep away from roots and leaves. For hay, create a thick layer over garden soil.

They biodegrade slowly, and you can easily find space between them when planting out seedlings.

When planting seeds, simply remove the mulch. As the seeds germinate, replace them around your plant’s roots.

6. Shredded Leaves

This method is another way of recycling the natural resources on the farm. Shredded leaves will form an attractive layer, smother weeds, and enrich the soil as they decompose.

7. Compost

The most obvious benefit of compost is the enrichment of the soil as it degrades and leaches nutrients into the earth beneath. A layer of this will provide all the same usefulness as other mulches, plus more.

8. Pine Needles

Also known as pine straw, this lightweight, carbon-rich material is great for some flower beds.

If you have plenty of pine trees around, make use of the needles as they fall. Besides, the cones are useful as well.

9. Gravel and Small Stones

These are the most attractive inorganic types. They are permanent and useful on driveways, around trees and shrubs, and for mulching flower beds.

Stones and pieces of gravel may need a protective film like newspaper underneath to prevent some weeds from getting through. However, they provide good drainage and warmth in rock gardens, where colored stones can be particularly pleasing to the eye.

The downside is that these will not improve the condition or add nutrients to the earth beneath.

10. WeedGuard Plus

This commercial product from the Arbico gardening store works differently and is safe for use in organic gardening.

The fine, paper-like material is obtained from cellulose fiber. The product is designed to cover weeds as they germinate, preventing light and stifling growth.

Furthermore, the opaque material is resistant to heavy rainfall. WeedGuard Plus is also long-lasting, high-quality, and biodegradable.


There are many mulch garden ideas. However, the right type can suppress weeds, protect plants from damage from weather conditions, and more.

They can help shield the soil against drought, compaction, erosion, cracking, and extremes of heat or cold. Mulching can also improve soil conditions, cover wet and muddy areas, and be an ornamental feature in the garden.

Choosing the right type for the objectives and laying it down are important tasks for the gardener, but ones that will produce healthy plants at the end of the day.

Picture via commons.wikimedia.org

Sasha Campbell

Sasha Campbell is an experienced blogger in the organic gardening and natural health niches. She's also a lover of all things natural.

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