Dre Campbell Farm
8 Natural Ways to Treat and Control Anthracnose

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8 Natural Ways to Treat and Control Anthracnose

You’ve spotted it—lesions of tan or brown discoloration on the leaf of your favorite plant. But what is it? The answer might be anthracnose, a group of fungal diseases that affect many plants.

Unfortunately, anthracnose can be difficult to get rid of. But don’t despair! There are many natural ways to control and prevent it.

In this article, I’ll show you how to use natural methods to treat anthracnose. I’ll cover everything from prevention tips and cultural control measures to home remedies.


This fungal disease affects many types of plants, including trees, shrubs, and fruits. It is caused by different fungal species in the genus Colletotrichum.

Anthracnose causes leaf spots and lesions on plants; they may be tan, brown, or black [1]. Fruits may also show similar spots, which can cause them to become soft and drop prematurely from the plant.

Stems may also exhibit dark lesions that can cause dieback or even the death of the plant if left untreated.

The most common plants affected include oak trees, liriope, cotton, maple trees, ficus trees, roses, mandevilla, sycamore, avocado trees, loropetalum, ash trees, and hydrangea.

Fruits such as mango, watermelon, and soursop are also likely to be affected. And so are vegetables, such as eggplant, chili, beans, and tomatoes.

How to Get Rid of Anthracnose Naturally

It’s important to act quickly if you suspect Anthracnose in your garden. If you suspect your plants have anthracnose disease, the best way to deal with it is to try natural methods first.

1. Remove Infected Plants from the Garden

If you have anthracnose in your garden, you’ll want to remove infected plants from it. This means removing all infected leaves and stems from the plant and disposing of them away from your garden.

If the plant is beyond saving, it’s best to dig it up and discard it. This will reduce the chance of the fungus spreading to other, healthy plants nearby.

2. Neem Oil

You can use neem oil safely on vegetable crops because it’s organic and biodegradable. This home remedy is widely used as an organic fungicide to treat a wide range of plant problems.

You can buy a neem oil all-purpose treatment like Neem Max and use it on affected plants. Or, you can make a DIY anthracnose treatment.

To make a basic homemade spray for this purpose, combine 2 tablespoons of neem oil with 2 tablespoons of liquid soap and a gallon of water.

Shake well and apply to plants where the disease is already present.

3. Prune Trees

Pruning is also a great way to encourage healthy growth and reduce the severity of anthracnose. Rome dead or infected branches and limbs.

When you are done with your pruning, it’s a good idea to disinfect your gardening tools so as not to spread any more spores onto unaffected parts of your tree.

4. Avoid Overhead Watering

When you water with a sprinkler, you’re essentially creating a great environment for the disease to spread. Water droplets from overhead can move spores from one leaf to another, and that’s how this fungal disease moves around the yard.

Therefore, it’s best to water your plants at the base of the stem and into the soil, where moisture can be better managed by the plant itself.

Also, be sure to water during the early hours of the day or late in the afternoon so that your plants don’t stay wet overnight.

5. Crop Rotation

Crop rotation is a simple yet effective way to naturally deal with anthracnose.

When you plant the same crop in your garden year after year, it will keep the pathogens in the soil alive.

Therefore, rotate with non-host plants. Move host plants far away from the garden.

Not only does crop rotation help prevent harmful diseases like anthracnose from continuing, but it has many other benefits as well.

This method can also help control pests and weeds, increase the soil’s fertility, and increase yields over time.

6. Mow Grass Regularly and Properly

You probably already know that mowing grass regularly is important for keeping your lawn looking neat and tidy. But regular and proper mowing can also help control anthracnose.

Mowing with a sharp blade at the correct height for your type of grass helps reduce the spread of anthracnose. Mowing too low may also stress your turf.

Also, only mow the grass when it’s dry. Excess moisture on your lawn may cause problems to worsen when mowing.

7. Fertilize Your Grass

Adding fertilizer to your lawn helps stimulate the growth of healthy, disease-resistant grass that can push out infected areas when given the chance.

When selecting a fertilizer for your lawn, it’s important to pick one that is well-balanced for the type of soil you have.

8. BONIDE Liquid Copper Fungicide

This product works wonders at controlling fungal diseases.

Therefore, you can use it as an anthracnose fungicide. It will damage the enzymes and proteins that fungus needs to thrive.


When it comes to tackling anthracnose, our best bet is to go back to basics and use natural remedies to help get rid of it.

Keep a close eye on your plants and make sure you’re taking the necessary steps to prevent it, such as avoiding overcrowded planting beds.

If you do notice any signs of the disease, act quickly by using a copper-based fungicide or a natural remedy to reduce its spread.

Sasha Campbell

Sasha Campbell is an experienced blogger in the organic gardening and natural health niches. She's also a lover of all things natural.

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