Dre Campbell Farm
17 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Squash Bugs

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17 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Squash Bugs on Plants

Controlling common garden pests, like squash bugs, can be tedious for some gardeners.

Squash bugs suck sap from the leaves, young fruits, and vines of squash, pumpkins, and other cucurbits. As a result, you must get rid of them as quickly as possible.

All varieties of summer and winter squash, including butternut, zucchini, marrow, and pumpkins, may need protection from this pest.

Here’s how to get rid of squash bugs naturally:

1. Hose Them

A simple home remedy to stop or prevent squash bugs from damaging crops is to spray them off with a strong jet of water. However, be careful not to harm your plants in the process.

2. Soap Spray

This natural squash bug repellent involves using a spray bottle filled with water and some liquid soap. Dawn dish soap works great, but we recommend using Castile organic liquid soap.

Combine two tablespoons of liquid soap with a gallon of water. Spray the solution directly on the bugs.

When thoroughly soaked, soapy water will kill squash bugs by suffocating them.

3. Coffee Grounds

A simple DIY organic squash bug control method is to use coffee grounds. It will repel these bugs.

Boil coffee grounds in water and let the solution cool before spraying it on the insects. This homemade squash bug spray repels cucumber beetles and other zucchini plant bugs.

You can also spread used coffee grounds around the base of your cucumber plants to add nutrients to the soil.

4. Neem Oil

Neem oil is used as a natural pesticide. It is effective against many pests, including squash beetles.

To use neem oil on squash bugs, combine two tablespoons of the oil with one tablespoon of liquid soap and a gallon of water.

Spray frequently from spring onward to kill squash bugs. It can also be used to get rid of vine borers and prevent powdery mildew on plants.

5. Pick Them Off

Picking off the bugs may not be a suitable control method for large farms. However, this can be an effective home remedy for small backyard gardens to get rid of squash bugs organically.

Do this daily to help control the bugs. You can also wrap a piece of duct tape (sticky side out) around your hand to help remove clusters of squash bug eggs and young nymphs.

6. Trap Crops

Growing trap crops nearby or between your garden plants is one way of dealing with the problem. Sometimes called “sacrificial plants,” trap crops can lure these pests away from your main crops.

One such plant is the blue Hubbard squash [1]. The bugs seem to prefer it over other varieties.

7. Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

Diatomaceous earth is effective against squash bug nymphs. The sharpness of the powder will cut through their soft bodies, and they will later die.

To use diatomaceous earth to kill squash bugs, sprinkle it on the leaves of the plants and the soil around the affected plants.

Alternatively, make a homemade spray for squash bugs by combining one part DE with four parts water. Shake well, and use it to spray the critters (nymphs).

8. Remove Eggs

Removing the eggs will prevent further infestations if you keep removing them.

You can identify them as small clusters of copper-colored eggs that are slightly oval and shiny [2]. You’ll often find them on the undersides and stems of leaves.

Scrape them off and crush them, or drop them into a bowl of soapy water.

9. Row Covers

Another simple method to keep squash bugs away is to protect your garden plants with floating row covers. These also protect against birds and other pests.

Moreover, variations can be bought online or in local garden stores. However, you can also have them made from fine mesh or other suitable lightweight fabrics to keep bugs off your squash plants.

10. Garlic Spray

Garlic will kill squash bugs and other pests in your garden. To make a homemade garlic spray for squash bugs, add four crushed garlic cloves to two tablespoons of mineral oil.

Let the mixture sit for at least 24 hours. Afterward, strain out the particles and add the garlic oil to a pint of water and one teaspoon of liquid soap.

Please note that this solution is now in its concentrated form, which is very potent. Therefore, you will have to dilute it.

When ready to use, take two tablespoons of the concentrated solution and add it to a pint of water. Shake well and spray the bugs and affected plants.

11. Clean Up

Pruning plants and keeping your vegetable garden clean will help deter many pests. Also, it is best to avoid mulch, as it gives adult squash bugs a place to overwinter.

12. Repellent Plants

Marigolds are a great repellent plant for pumpkin bugs. Marigolds planted near your crops can also deter many other harmful insects.

There are also several others that you can use as companion plants to repel squash bugs. These squash bug repellent plants include nasturtiums, radishes, catnip, lavender, dill, oregano, lemon balm, and petunias.

13. Natural Predators

Planting marigolds nearby can also attract the tachinid fly and praying mantises. These are both natural squash bug predators.

Damsel bugs and ground beetles also prey on squash bug eggs and other stages of the pest.

14. Kaolin Clay

You can use this natural, soft white clay against squash beetles. However, it does not kill them but rather deters them.

The clay also works against grasshoppers, cucumber beetles, boring insects, and other pests.

15. Vinegar

Vinegar is an effective garden remedy for controlling certain pests and plant diseases. It can even be used to clean garden tools. Some gardeners also find that it kills squash bugs.

Therefore, make a solution by combining vinegar and water in a spray bottle at a ratio of 1:3. Use it to spray the bugs.

You can also use this remedy to get rid of squash bugs in the house.

16. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt repels beetles rather than kills them. Some gardeners have successfully used it as a deterrent for many bugs on plants.

To use it, combine two tablespoons of Epsom salt with two teaspoons of liquid soap in a gallon of water.

Use this solution to spray the leaves and stems of your plants.

17. Bug Buster-O

Buster-O is a commercially available, OMRI-listed pesticide containing pyrethrins. It can be sprayed directly onto the critters, killing them on contact.

This squash bug killer is safe to use on plants grown organically.


If you notice gray to black bugs on your squash and other crops, like the one in our featured image, it’s most likely the squash pest discussed in this article.

While squash and pumpkins are the primary host plants for these bugs, they also target melons and cantaloupes.

Home remedies and natural methods can eliminate them from the garden and around the house.

Picture via Wikimedia

Sasha Campbell

Sasha Campbell is an experienced blogger in the organic gardening and natural health niches. She's also a lover of all things natural.

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