Though they do not cause significant damage to plants, boxelder bugs can quickly become a nuisance for some homeowners [1].
They may invade homes and other indoor spaces in large numbers, and their feces may stain light surfaces.
Below, we will discuss how to prevent boxelder bug infestations or keep them away using home remedies and natural control methods.
Here’s how to get rid of boxelder bugs naturally:
1. Soap Spray
A little dish soap and water mixture makes an effective home remedy for boxelder bugs.
If you spray soapy water directly on these bugs, it will suffocate and kill them.
Therefore, mix up a killer homemade boxelder bug spray by combining four tablespoons of dish soap with a gallon of water.
Some recipes suggest using Dawn dish soap, but any liquid soap will do.
Shake the solution well and spray it directly on the bugs. They will die shortly after.
2. Horticultural Oils
The chief benefit of these oils is that they can deter adult boxelder bugs and smother their eggs, helping break the life cycle.
Follow the instructions on the label on how to use it.
3. Vacuum Them
If you find a large group of these pests inside your house, the quickest action is to vacuum them up. Next, remove and destroy the vacuum bag.
However, avoid squashing the bugs, as they release a terrible odor when crushed.
4. Sticky Trap
Another boxelder bug control home remedy is to hang sticky traps. You can use yellow sticky traps, as this color generally attracts many insects.
Hang the sticky traps in trees or other areas near your house. Remove and replace the traps frequently.
You can also make a homemade box elder bug trap using pieces of cardboard and a sticky substance such as petroleum jelly.
Use the sticky substance to coat both sides of the cardboard.
Next, place your DIY traps at entry points around the house. The bugs will get stuck on them if they try to crawl over them.
5. Vinegar
This is another natural way to repel boxelder bugs, some beetles, and other insects.
You can use any vinegar. However, white vinegar is most commonly used.
Combine the vinegar with water in a 50/50 ratio. Spray it directly on the bugs.
The vinegar solution will repel them, not kill them.
6. Garden Hose
Box elder bugs found in large groups on trees can be sprayed away with a garden hose.
Hosing them down with a strong jet of water will encourage them to go elsewhere. Though this will not kill them, it will help reduce their numbers.
7. Seal Doors and Windows
As the fall and winter months approach, you may find more and more boxelder bugs congregating around and inside your home.
As they cluster together, they will push into any cracks or gaps in the house. To tackle this, brush off the bugs or vacuum them away, and have the gaps sealed up.
8. Trim Female Boxelder Trees
These bugs mainly feed on female boxelder trees’ seeds, leaves, and flowers [2].
Therefore, trimming the branches of those trees will help reduce the number of boxelder bugs coming around.
Cutting down the female boxelder trees is another, but drastic, solution to help keep box elder bugs away.
9. Rake up Fallen Seeds and Seedpods of the Boxelder Tree
Another way to get rid of boxelder bugs organically is to rake up fallen seeds and seedpods around boxelder trees. These are the primary sources of food for these bugs.
Clearing away the seedpods and seeds that harbor these insects will help deter them.
10. Hot Water
This method will kill adult and baby boxelder bugs but may also cause damage to plants.
So, only pour the hot water directly on the bugs, not the plants.
11. Neem Oil
This oil derived from the Neem tree seed is recognized as a potent natural pesticide.
This non-toxic repellent is also safe to use. It causes no damage to the plants unless you mix the solution too potent.
Use it to make a DIY box elder bug repellent spray.
Just combine two tablespoons of neem oil with a gallon of water. Next, add it to a sprayer and spray all areas where these bugs love to hang out.
Alternatively, you can buy neem oil concentrate that is ready to use.
12. Essential Oils
The scent of essential oils such as tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, and cinnamon works well to help control boxelder bugs.
For the recipe, add 50 drops of your essential oil of choice to one cup of water and shake it up.
Finally, it can be used to spray entryways to repel boxelder bugs. They hate the smell of these oils.
13. Diatomaceous Earth (DE)
Use diatomaceous earth around the base of affected trees to help get rid of boxelder bugs outside. You can also use food-grade DE for indoor bugs.
This product will cause dehydration when the bugs come into contact with it. The nymphs will also die due to the sharpness of the diatomaceous earth.
Repeat the application after a shower of rain.
14. Monterey Fruit Tree Spray
This organic insecticide can keep these black bugs with orange or red markings out of your home garden.
Monterey contains pyrethrins and neem oil. Both ingredients work against many types of insect pest infestations.
Spray it directly onto and under the box elder trees to eliminate the existing bugs and repel new ones.
15. Attract Predators
Some birds are also helpful weapons against many harmful garden bugs.
Ducks, chickens, guinea hens, and other large birds may eat boxelder bugs if other food is limited.
Leaving spiders alone to spin their webs may be beneficial, too. Rats, praying mantises, and chipmunks will also go after boxelder bugs.
This OMRI-listed pesticide is effective against a wide range of insect pests found in gardens and surrounding areas.
You can use ECOWORKS EC to kill boxelder bugs. Follow the instructions on the package.
At first sight, boxelder bugs (maple bugs) may seem attractive and cause little to no damage to your home or garden. So, it may be tempting to leave them alone.
However, when swarms of these bugs start to appear, finding ways to kill or deter them may become necessary.
The home remedies and natural products listed above can help control these pests.
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