Dre Campbell Farm
15 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Lawn Fungus

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15 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Lawn Fungus

Have you noticed yellow or brown patches appearing on your lawn recently? Don’t panic—it’s likely lawn fungus, and it’s a common problem for many homeowners.

The good news is that there are several natural treatments for fungus on your lawn. In this article, we’ll walk you through some simple, natural methods to eliminate lawn fungus and bring your grass back to lush, green life.

With some natural home remedies, proper lawn care, and patience, you’ll be on your way to a fungus-free yard in no time.


Look for spots or patches, especially in shady, damp areas of your yard. Fungi often appear as rings of dead or dying grass or cause grass to turn yellow, brown, or develop spots.

You may also notice a musty smell coming from the lawn.

Check if the grass pulls up easily from the soil. Take-All Root Rot, for example, can kill the roots, so the turfgrass can be detached without much effort [1].

Also, examine your grass blades closely. You’re looking for signs like powdery white residue, rust-colored spots, needle-like threads, or brown or black spots on the blades themselves.

How to Get Rid of Lawn Fungus Naturally

Once you’ve detected the symptoms, you can start treatment. These are some home remedies and natural solutions for fungus on your lawn.

1. Horticultural Cornmeal

Apply horticultural cornmeal in your yard where there are mold or fungal patches.

To use, simply sprinkle 1-2 pounds of cornmeal over every 100 square feet of lawn. The cornmeal is most effective when the turf is damp from rain or dew.

Also, place it around plants (both food and ornamental crops).

2. Avoid High-Nitrogen Fertilizer

Using a high-nitrogen fertilizer can increase disease problems in lawns. Nitrogen promotes lush, green leaf and stem growth that some lawn fungus pathogens feed on.

Instead, choose a balanced fertilizer. Too much nitrogen late in the year (November or December) also promotes snow mold growth.

3. Compost Tea

This potent solution is another excellent remedy to treat lawn fungus naturally. Compost tea introduces more good microbes to your lawn, creating a balanced soil environment where disease has a hard time gaining a foothold.

To brew compost tea, fill a mesh bag with 2 cups of compost and steep it in 5 gallons of rainwater for 24 hours. You can also add a teaspoon of blackstrap molasses to the mixture.

When ready to use, combine 4 cups of this tea in a gallon of water. Next, spray the diluted compost tea solution on your lawn using a pump sprayer.

The compost tea spray will also leave behind nutrients to strengthen your grass.

4. Neem Oil

Neem oil can also help treat grass fungus and insects that may be contributing to other problems.

To use neem oil to make a homemade fungicide for grass and lawns, mix two and a half ounces of pure neem oil with one and a half gallons of water. Next, shake or stir to mix thoroughly, and pour into a spray bottle.

Finally, spray the solution onto the affected areas of your lawn. Reapply every 7 to 10 days or after rain.

5. Aerate Your Yard to Loosen Compacted Soil

This practice provides several benefits. It helps loosen compacted soil and allows for better movement of air, water, and nutrients to grass roots.

Aerating is an easy, natural way to breathe new life into your lawn and overcome fungus or pest issues. When combined with other practices like proper mowing, it will get your yard back to looking green and gorgeous again.

6. Avoid Overwatering

Yes, this is one of the most common causes of lawn fungus and other diseases. Too much moisture creates the perfect environment for fungi and bacteria to grow.

Therefore, only water your lawn when the top few inches of soil are dry. As a general rule, most lawns only need 1 to 2 inches of water per week.

7. Mow Lawn Properly

To properly mow your lawn and get rid of fungal problems, make sure you wash the mower properly before using it.

Mow frequently, removing no more than 1/3 of the grass blade at a time. Mowing too short can stress the grass and make it more susceptible to disease.

Also, mow when the grass is dry to avoid spreading fungal spores and bacteria. Mowing wet grass can spread disease and damage the grass.

8. Vinegar

This is another home remedy for grass fungus. The acid in vinegar helps kill fungus on contact.

You can apply vinegar directly to small patches of fungus or spray it over the entire lawn as a preventative measure.

Mix equal parts white distilled vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution directly onto any visible fungal patches in your lawn.

The vinegar spray is a natural fungicide and helps make the grass blades slightly more acidic, which deters future fungal growth. Reapply every few weeks or after heavy rain.

9. Test Your Soil before Adjusting its pH

Before making any changes to your lawn’s pH level, it’s critical to test your soil to determine its current pH.

You can buy inexpensive soil testing kits that will give you an accurate reading. A pH of 6 to 7 is ideal for most grass lawns.

If the test shows your lawn’s pH is too acidic (below 6), you’ll need to raise it by applying lime. Lime is a natural limestone product that increases alkalinity.

The ideal pH for most lawns is slightly acidic, between 6 and 7. Adjusting the pH of the soil is important because it impacts the availability of nutrients for your grass.

The right pH also promotes the growth of beneficial microbes in the soil and helps prevent some common fungal diseases.

10. Soapy Water

Soapy water is a gentle, DIY treatment for grass fungus.

Mix two tablespoons of dish soap into a gallon of water. Gently stir to combine and let the bubbles dissipate.

Spray this homemade lawn fungus treatment onto your lawn, especially targeting any visibly diseased areas. Repeated applications will kill the fungus.

11. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural fungicide that can help control lawn fungus organically.

To treat lawn fungus with baking soda, mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 5 liters of water. Spray it on the affected lawn areas.

The baking soda alters the pH level of the treated area, making it difficult for the fungus to continue thriving.

12. Dethatch Yard to Remove Dead Grass

One effective lawn fungus removal strategy is to dethatch your lawn. This removes the layer of dead grass clippings, roots, and debris that builds up between the grass blades and the soil.

It also allows for better air, water, and nutrient flow to the living grass plants.

13. Water Lawn Early in the Day

Watering your lawn early in the day, preferably before 9 a.m., is key to preventing fungus growth.

Fungi love moist conditions. But as the day goes on, the sun rises and causes the water to dry off the grass.

14. Monterey Complete Disease Control Biofungicide

This organic spray uses a naturally occurring beneficial bacterium to prevent and control fungal diseases in lawns and gardens. Apply it to your lawns and grassy areas as a preventative treatment.

15. Bio Advanced Fungus Control for Lawns

This biofungicide works against lawn diseases such as red thread disease, rusts, dollar spot, and brown patch. Use Bio Advanced according to the package instructions to help treat lawns with fungus.


So there you have it: some easy and natural remedies to control lawn fungus and have your yard back to vibrant green in no time. There is no need for harsh chemicals or expensive treatments.

Your lawn and your family will thank you, and you’ll feel good knowing you accomplished it in an eco-friendly way.

Picture via Flickr

Andre Campbell

Andre is an organic farmer and co-founder of Dre Campbell Farm. He appreciates everything in nature—sunshine, plants, animals, and human life.

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