Dre Campbell Farm
How to Grow a Pineapple (From Top and Seed)

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How to Grow a Pineapple (From Top and Seed)

Although it is not easy, it is well worth the effort. Pineapples can be grown right in your own backyard and are delicious and nutritious tropical fruits.

In this article, we’ll be sharing some tips and tricks for growing pineapples at home.

How to Grow Pineapple Top  

Can’t get enough of those sweet, delicious pineapples? You can grow your very own! It only takes a few steps.

You will need a ripe pineapple, some potting soil, and a container. However, you won’t need a container if you’ll be planting it outdoors, directly in the garden.

Either start with fresh pineapple, or you can use one you have already eaten that still has green leaves.

Take off the top leaving about an inch of stem. Next, take off some of the lower leaves from the crown. Trim it until you can see the root buds.

Finally, allow the top to dry for 2 days. You can then grow your pineapple top in water, but it is better to root them in soil.

Now fill your container or pot with potting soil. Next, dip the base of the pineapple top in rooting powder, and then place it in the middle of the pot. Cover it with more potting soil and make sure it is well packed so the root system has something to keep it.

Roots will be established within 6-8 weeks [1].

Regularly water your plant and place it in a sunny area. Within 24 months, your pineapple plant will be beautiful and blooming.

Growing a Pineapple from Seed  

This method is more challenging than growing from the tops.

The seeds are the first thing you will need. These seeds can be saved from the ripe pineapple fruit. Or, if possible, you can buy them.

Allow the seeds to dry for a few days after you’ve removed them from the fruit. After that, soak the seeds in warm water for 8 hours.

Now place the seeds in a pot on top of potting mix. Next, cover them lightly with more potting mix. Finally, spray the surface with water gently to keep the soil moist.

Although germination normally takes up to 6 months, some people start seeing results in as little as a month.

The seedlings look like small pineapple fruit tops. Transplant the seedlings when you can see the roots.

How Long Does it Take For a Pineapple to Grow?  

It takes approximately two years to begin seeing fruits. Pineapples are a slow-growing crop, so don’t be discouraged if the time to fruiting seems like forever.

In the first year, you will see the plant grow strong stems and many leaves. It will then begin to flower and produce fruit in the second year.

As always, your plant will thrive if you give it plenty of nutrients, water, and sunlight.

Sunlight Requirements  

The tropical fruit requires plenty of sunlight to grow. Place it where it gets at least six hours of direct sunlight each day.

Watering Needs  

To keep your pineapple plant healthy and growing, it is essential to water it.

Pour water directly onto the soil. Make sure you wet all the roots.

It’s also important to not over-saturate the soil or give it too little water. Therefore, before you water, be sure to check the soil moisture.

If the top inch of soil feels dry, it’s time to water your plant. If the soil is wet, wait a few more days before watering again.


A dry fertilizer that is balanced is best for pineapple plants. It should contain 6 to 10% (N), 6 to 10% (P), and 6 to 10% (K). Having 4 to 6% (Mg) is also a plus.

Fertilize every two months until the plant reaches flowering stage. After that, you can do it every two weeks.

Garden Pests   

The scale insect and the mealybug are two of the most common pests that attack pineapple plants. These pests damage and attack the leaves of the plant, which causes it to become weaker.

Therefore, take immediate action to eradicate pests from your pineapple plants.

You can do this in a variety of ways, including employing organic treatments and home remedies. Read more on how to control garden pests organically.

Plant Diseases  

A few diseases can also cause pineapple plants to become sick. Root rot is a common disease that can affect these plants. It is caused by a soil-borne pathogen [2].

Prevent root rot by ensuring that the soil is well-drained and the plant is not overwatered. 

The pineapple wilt is another one that farmers often see. Slight reddening of the leaf tips are early signs. You can prevent this by controlling ants and mealybugs in your garden.

How to Harvest  

It’s time for you to harvest your pineapple once it is fully ripe. To do this, you’ll need to slice off the fruit from the stalk.

When the fruit’s skin begins to turn a yellowish color, it is considered ripe. The mature fruit will also smell like a pineapple.

How to Store Pineapples  

After you have harvested your pineapple, it is time to put it in a proper storage container so that you can enjoy it as much as you want.

First, shave off as much of the leaves as you can from the top but do not cut the fruit. Then, place the whole pineapple into a plastic bag and store it in the refrigerator.

It will keep fresh in the refrigerator for 3 and 5 days, depending on how ripe it is when picked. Also, an uncut pineapple can be kept on the counter for 3 days before it begins to go bad.

How to Grow Pineapples as Houseplants  

It’s actually a fairly easy process to grow it this way. All you need is a pineapple and a few supplies.

First, remove the top from the pineapple. Then, remove the lower leaves of the stalk.

After you have done this, allow the crown to dry for a few days. Now follow the steps that I outlined above in regards to planting pineapple tops.

How to Grow in Containers  

If you don’t have enough yard or garden space to grow a large plant, growing in containers can be a great alternative.

A 6 to 8-inch pot is ideal for growing pineapples in containers. But, the bottom of the pot will need drainage holes.

Next, fill the pot with rich, organic soil and then place pineapple top in the soil. Continue caring for your plants by following the steps above.


There are some important things to remember when it comes to the cultivation of this tropical fruit. But, you’ll be well on your way if you follow the steps above.

Also, remember to be patient as it may take some time for your pineapple plants to produce fruit. With a little bit of care and attention, though, you can successfully plant and grow your own pineapple at home!

And one last thing; pineapples do not grow on trees. They grow from a leafy plant.

Andre Campbell

Organic farmer and co-founder of Dre Campbell Farm. He appreciates everything in nature—sunshine, plants, animals, and human life.

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  • What about winter? Do I leave it outside?

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