Many food crops thrive well in cool weather [1]. Quite a few of them can be grown in winter, including kale.
What’s more, some of these can not only survive in the snow but also become more flavorful and sweet!
Cool-Season Crops
Below is a list of cool-weather vegetables and herbs to consider growing.
1. Arugula
Harvesting just before the first frost is advisable, but it can handle even a hard frost with proper protection.
2. Beans
Harvest beans before the first frost, even if it’s a light one.
3. Beets
Beets grow better under cool, moist conditions. However, they require heavy mulching to withstand even a light frost.
4. Bok Choy
Bok choy is a hardy plant that can survive low temperatures, but protection is needed against the snow.
5. Broccoli
Broccoli loves the cold. Mature ones are more likely to survive it than younger ones.
6. Brussels Sprouts
Plant Brussels sprouts in the fall with sunny days and cool nights. Moreover, they can handle even snow with proper protection.
7. Green Onions
Growth slows in the cold and requires proper protection from the snow. In the spring, they wake up and become prolific.
8. Cabbage
Cabbage is a hardy plant that can handle cool temperatures. It is suitable for fall but is also frost-hardy.
9. Carrot
A carrot is a root veggie that grows well in the cool season. It takes around 3 to 4 months to reach maturity. It even gets sweeter in the winter.
10. Cauliflower
Cauliflower is another one that can handle low temperatures.
11. Collard Greens
These greens are among the cold-hardy vegetables that can withstand winter temperatures. Moreover, they become more flavorful in the cold.
12. Garlic
Garlic needs a full year to grow correctly. However, it’s best to plant it from late September to December and harvest the following year.
13. Kale
Not only does kale love snow, but it also becomes sweeter.
14. Kohlrabi
This one gets sweeter with exposure to frost but will not survive all winter.
15. Leeks
You can harvest leeks in freezing temperatures with careful maintenance of the main plant.
16. Lettuce
It prefers the cold to the heat, but frost can damage it. However, the damage doesn’t make the plant inedible.
17. Mustard Greens
A hard frost can kill this plant if it’s not adequately protected with mulch and row covers to keep the snow off.
18. Parsley
Like other herbs, parsley enjoys the cold season. However, it needs proper protection to keep a hard frost from killing it.
19. Parsnip
Parsnip is another one that gets sweeter with freezing temperatures, as the starches in it are converted to sugars.
20. Celery
Celery enjoys cool climates, requiring 16 weeks of cool weather.
21. Radish
Radishes can handle frost but not hard freezes.
22. Rhubarb
Rhubarb does well in the cold weather and likes rich soil. It can withstand light frost, but a hard freeze will cause damage to low leaves and petioles.
Fall and Winter Fruits
Some fruits love the cold and will produce an abundance during cool weather.
23. Apples
Apples should be planted in late winter or early spring when the ground isn’t frozen. Harvests will come in the fall. There are many varieties, and some will even grow in warm climates.
24. Pears
Plant pears in the cool weather of early spring after the ground has thawed.
25. Raspberries
Winter is the best time to plant raspberries. They do not like the tropics or the summer heat.
26. Strawberries
The ever-bearing variety will survive winter, providing a terrific bounty in the fall.
27. Sweet Cherries
Plant these in the late fall. However, avoid planting near tall buildings or trees so they can receive ample sunlight.
Surviving Low Temperatures
Experts recommend planting in sunlit areas on a slope with plenty of space between plants to survive and thrive in low temperatures.
This will allow them to soak up as much sun as possible while getting good drainage. Also, putting mulch between the rows will help slow down and prevent erosion.
If you don’t have a lot of space and are forced to put the trees close together, prune the inward-facing branches and leave the outward-facing ones.
The inside ones aren’t much use since there will be little room for fruits. Additionally, the fruits on the inside branches won’t be able to get much sunlight for ideal growth.
Mulching and Row Covers
Many of the listed veggies are delicate. Therefore, to help them survive the cold, we recommend you mulch them heavily. Mulching will help protect the tender roots.
Also, row covers protect leafy vegetables from direct contact with snow and freezing winds. Row covers will shield them from frost damage and from dying from hard freezes.
There are many great winter vegetables and fruits that you can plant and harvest outside the seasons we usually think of as “the growing season.”
With some planning, mulch, and cold-loving plants, you can have a bountiful, beautiful garden in the cool season. It can be as good as any spring or summer garden.
Also, planting times all depend on what and where you’re planting it. Check hardiness zone maps to ensure you’re growing the right crops for your area.
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