Dre Campbell Farm
10 Benefits of Ladybugs and How to Attract Them

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10 Benefits of Ladybugs and How to Attract Them

Ladybugs are not bugs. Scientists list them as beetles. Therefore, they are also called lady beetles or ladybird beetles.

Ladybugs are in the Coccinellidae family, class (Insecta), and order (Coleoptera). There are about 5,000 species of them [1].


Ladybugs live one to two years, but they may live longer in the wild.

Yellow, oblong eggs are laid in clusters on the underside of leaves, in or near the colonies of aphids and other soft-bodied insects. Doing this ensures that the larvae have plenty of food when they first hatch.

The larvae eat and thrive for a span of 21 to 30 days, and then they pupate. After that, they emerge as adults in up to 15 days, depending on the climate and species. They are ready to mate soon after.

Ladybug Benefits

What are they good for? Most benefit people, whether they are farmers, gardeners, or ordinary individuals.

Ladybugs are a top eco-friendly pest control option. They eat many types of garden, field, and orchard pests.

1. Keep Away Aphids

Aphids are the primary source of food for ladybugs.

A single ladybug, from larva to adult, will eat nearly 1,000 aphids over its lifetime [2].

However, you should not introduce ladybugs before seeing aphids because they won’t stay. There won’t be anything for them to eat.

2. Pollinators

Among the benefits of ladybugs in the garden is that they are excellent little pollinators.

Ladybird beetles like to feed on pollen and nectar. As a result, while roving among flowers, pollen tends to stick to them, fertilizing the flowers.

3. Kill Spider Mites

Ladybugs can also kill spider mites. Just one ladybug can eat up to 100 mites a day.

4. Mealybugs

Cryptolaemus montrouzieri, aka Crypt or Mealybug Destroyer, is a species that eats mealybugs.

The adult female ladybug lays her eggs among the colonies of mealybugs. When the eggs hatch, the larvae eat everything they can find.

5. Corn Borer Control

A ladybird insect can eat up to 60 corn borer eggs in a single day. However, they leave the eating of the larvae and adults to other predator insects.

6. Colorado Potato Beetle

Ladybird beetles eat the eggs and larvae of the Colorado potato beetle wherever they find them. Therefore, they’re great at preventing a potato beetle infestation before it begins.

7. Beautify the Garden

The lady beetle’s appearance, with its vibrant colors and gorgeous wings, brings additional beauty to any garden it lives in.

8. Whitefly Control

Delphastus catalinae is a species that specializes in controlling whiteflies.

One hundred sixty whitefly eggs or more per day is a lot for one little beetle, but it does it. It can also consume 700 larvae during its lifetime.

9. Lace Bugs

Ladybugs are among the natural enemies of lace bugs. Utilize them to control all aspects of an infestation.

10. Thrips

Thrips are other insects that ladybugs are effective at controlling. Release these beauties in your garden to help keep thrips populations under control.

How to Attract Ladybugs Naturally

You can buy ladybugs for your garden locally or online, but the consensus is that attracting them is far better.

Buying them doesn’t guarantee they will feed because of the stress of moving. Attracting them ensures they will feed on what you provide them with.

Below are some ways to attract ladybird beetles:

Plant Nectar and Pollen Plants

Grow flowers and herbs that have white and yellow blooms and flat leaves to attract ladybugs. The flat leaves give them a place to land, and the flowers provide pollen and nectar.

Some flowering plants that attract ladybugs include marigolds, angelica, calendula, yarrow, chives, feverfew, and dill. Plant them around the house and garden.

Provide Plenty to Eat

Suppose you don’t have enough pests in the garden; plant trap plants. These plants will attract aphids—ladybugs’ favorite food.

Trap crops include radishes, kale, sunflowers, hoyas, mustard, and nasturtiums.

Quench Their Thirst

Place bowls of water with pebbles inside and around your garden. The stones give them a place to rest while they drink safely.

Be Careful with Pesticides

Synthetic pesticides will kill lady beetles and other garden bugs if sprayed on them.

Also, use natural pesticides with caution. Some natural ones will, at worst, kill them. At best, they will drive them away from your garden. So, be careful.

Identifying Them

Lady beetles range in color and size, with some being mistaken for other types of beetles.

They mostly have red, orange, or yellow bodies with black spots, but they can also range from solid black to brown.

Besides, they can possess spots, stripes, or just be plain. They are tiny (between 0.03 to 0.7 inches) and round in shape, with black on their heads, legs, and antennae.

Additionally, ladybugs have three natural defense mechanisms to keep predators from eating them.

  • One is to play dead. Ladybugs will fall to the ground, playing dead to fool their attackers.
  • The second is its color. Helpful predators such as birds have learned that certain colors mean unpleasant taste or unsafe to eat.
  • The last is the toxic fluid they release to protect themselves when provoked. This foul-smelling liquid tastes terrible, and predators will stay far away.

See also: How to Get Rid of Asian Lady Beetles.


Whatever you call them, these cute little beetles are helpful in your garden. Ladybugs are also quite colorful.

To attract helpful bugs to your garden, you grow plants for them.

Sasha Campbell

Sasha Campbell is an experienced blogger in the organic gardening and natural health niches. She's also a lover of all things natural.

1 comment

  • When we moved into our home lady beetles showed up out of nowhere! They were inside and outside. It is 11/29/21, and as I sit outside today again many have come to rest. I don’t having any flowers or herbs growing. I believe they might be a sign of some sort? Or maybe they come here for the winter? Either way I love seeing them when they come. It has become a yearly thing. Welcome Lady Bug or beetle!!

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