Dre Campbell Farm
13 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Wireworms

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13 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Wireworms

If you’re a farmer, then you probably know the damage that wireworms can do to your crops. While the adults (click beetles) do not cause damage to plants, the larvae are destructive pests that can destroy your vegetable garden if you’re not careful.

Whether it’s your beets, your potatoes, or your carrots, wireworms can ruin a perfectly good crop in no time. But don’t despair, there are natural ways to fight back against these pests. Keep an eye out for these little buggers and take action to get rid of them.


Wireworms are the larvae of click beetles. They are slender, hard-bodied, and range in color from white to dark brown. They get their name from their wire-like shape [1].

Wireworms are destructive pests of crops and grasses. They feed on the roots of plants, which can damage or kill the plant. They are mainly fond of potatoes, but can also damage corn, wheat, and other crops.

How to Get Rid of Wireworms Naturally

There are many natural ways to rid your garden of wireworm pests, and each gardener will find the method that works best for them.

Wireworm larvae are difficult to control because they’re attracted to moist soil [2], so it’s important to keep your garden area dry.

You can also try using beneficial nematodes, which are microscopic worms that kill wireworms and other pests in your soil. Finally, you can try using baited traps to lure wireworms away from your plants.

Try out these and the other natural remedies and methods listed in this article and see which ones work best for you.

1. Crop Rotation

Crop rotation is one of the best ways to prevent wireworms from damaging your plants.

By growing a variety of different crops in different areas of your garden each year, you can break the wireworm life cycle and prevent them from becoming a problem.

2. Diatomaceous Earth

You can also try using diatomaceous earth, which is a type of sedimentary rock that is very sharp and can kill certain insects and pests.

Just sprinkle it across the soil and will kill any worms that come across it. This is our recommended brand. We also recommended using this remedy to get rid of wireworms in your house.

3. Birds

If you’re having trouble with wire worms in your fields, one solution is to enlist the help of birds. That’s right, birds can help control wireworms naturally.

One way to do this is to put out bird feeders and bird baths in your garden. The birds will come and help themselves to the food and water, and in the process, they’ll also eat the wireworms.

Another option is to build a birdhouse. The birdhouse will draw birds to your garden, and the birds will help control these and other pests.

4. Remove Larvae from Soil

Another organic wireworm control method is to remove the larvae from the soil. You can do this by tilling the soil in your garden or by using a wireworm trap.

You can also flood the area with water. This will force the wireworms to the surface, where you can then collect them.

5. Potato Trap

To make a potato baited trap to control wireworms, take a potato and cut it in two. Next, sink it in the soil near plants that are being damaged by the worms.

Check the potato after a few days and if there are any small, whitish, or dark-colored worms on it, you’ve caught a wireworm.

Remove any wireworms you find. Repeat as necessary until the critters are under control.

6. Beneficial Nematodes

These microscopic organisms can help you take care of those pesky pests once and for all. They will parasitize wireworms and other pests living in the soil.

Following packaging instructions, use a watering can to apply them to your garden. Moreover, these tiny, natural predators are safe for humans and pets.

7. Flour Bait

If you suspect that wireworms have taken up residence in your garden, an easy way to control them is with flour bait.

Simply mix some flour with honey to form small balls, and then bury the balls in areas where you’ve seen wireworms.

The pests will be attracted to the bait. Check it every 4 to 5 days and see how many wireworms are there.

8. Avoid Using Coffee Grounds in Garden

While many gardeners tout the benefits of using coffee grounds in their gardens, avoid using them if you’re hoping to keep these worms away.

Coffee grounds can actually attract wireworms as worms love to eat the stuff, so it’s best to avoid using them in your garden.

9. Plant Later in the Season

Planting your crops later in the season can help reduce the population of wireworms. Avoid planting too early when the soil is cold.

By waiting to plant until temperatures start to get warmer, you can help discourage these little critters from taking up residence in your garden.

10. Trap Crops

Trap crops are plants that you can use to attract pests from other crops. It is a form of companion planting.

These sacrificial crops are usually planted around the perimeter of your garden or even right in the middle of it. When the pests are attracted to the trap crops, it will keep them busy, keeping them away from your main crops.

The key is to make sure the trap crop is well-established before the wire worms start feeding.

11. Debug On

This natural product is made of natural extracts from neem seed kernels and can be used to control the critters without harming your plants.

It’s also effective at controlling other garden pests, like armyworms, whiteflies, and beetles. Moreover, Debug On organic insecticide is safe for use around children and pets.

12. Bonide Captain Jack’s Neem Max

You can also use this natural pesticide to get rid of wireworms in your vegetable garden. Bonide Neem Max works by disrupting the life cycle of the pests and preventing them from reproducing.

13. Azera Gardening

Another great pesticide for wireworms is Azera Gardening. Plus, it’s organic, so you can feel good about using it.

Following the instructions that come with your purchase, just mix it with water and spray it on your plants and soil, and those pesky wireworms will be gone in no time.

This product is made with Pyrethrins and Azadirachtin — natural ingredients that are safe for your plants and soil.

Not only will it kill wireworms, but it will also keep other pests like Asparagus Beetle, cabbage maggots, codling moths, and borers away.


There are many ways to control wireworms organically, but the most effective approach is to use a combination of methods.

Whether you choose to use diatomaceous earth, beneficial nematodes, or another method, you can control them without resorting to harmful chemicals. With a little effort, your garden and pasture will be free of these pests in no time.

Image via extension.usu.edu

Sasha Campbell

Sasha Campbell is an experienced blogger in the organic gardening and natural health niches. She's also a lover of all things natural.

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