Dre Campbell Farm
8 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Guava Moths

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8 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Guava Moths

Ever notice those black and white, speckled little moths fluttering around your guava tree? Chances are, you have guava moths.

These pesky insects lay their eggs on guava fruit, and the larvae hatching from those eggs burrow inside and feed on the flesh. Before you know it, your once flourishing guava tree is having an early fruit drop.

But don’t be dismayed; there are natural ways to get rid of these guava pests. In this article, we’ll explore some natural remedies for controlling guava moths and their caterpillars.


The guava moth (Coscinoptycha improbana) is a small, white-and-black speckled moth about one centimeter in length [1]. Their larvae, or guava moth caterpillars, are pinkish in color and can grow up to 10mm long.

The adult moths lay their eggs on ripening guava fruit or other affected fruits. Once the eggs hatch, the caterpillars burrow into the fruit, feeding on the flesh.

You’ll know you have guava moths if you see small holes in the fruit skin and larvae inside the fruit.

There may also be premature fruit drop. This is when the caterpillars damage the fruit, causing it to fall from the tree prematurely.

Trees Affected By Guava Moth

The guava moth can get comfortable around several trees.

Guava, of course, is a favorite target. These moths just can’t resist their namesake. Apples, pears, and feijoa trees are also commonly infested, as the larvae drill into the flesh of the fruits.

The critters may also attack plums, loquats, peaches, citrus, macadamias, and quinces.

How to Get Rid of Guava Moths Naturally

To keep away these pests naturally, regularly inspect your trees that may get affected, especially when fruiting.

Remove any damaged or fallen fruit from the ground. Also, apply neem oil or spinosad, which are organic pesticides. These will help deter the moths from laying eggs on the fruit.

As a last resort, you may need to cover the fruit with mesh bags to physically keep the moths away until harvest.

Below are some other home remedies and natural strategies you can try. We’ll also expand on the already-mentioned ones.

1. Neem Oil

Neem oil can help control guava moths and reduce infestations.

To make a homemade guava moth spray, combine two tablespoons of pure neem oil, one teaspoon of liquid soap (as an emulsifier), and one gallon of water.

Shake well to mix, and spray it all over your fruit tree, including the fruits. This will keep away the moths, which are the root cause of the problem.

This solution will also repel other guava pests.

2. Moth Traps

You can make simple homemade guava moth traps using everyday items.

Fill a plastic jug with a mixture of five cups of water, half a cup of molasses, and one cup of vinegar to attract and drown the moths.

Next, cut out a large enough hole just below the shoulder of the jug. Now hang it in trees to attract and trap the critters.

You can also make a DIY solar light trap by placing the light over a milk jug.

Next, pour a liquid solution into the jug. For the recipe, combine a liter of water, half a cup of sugar, and one teaspoon of vanilla in the jug. The light will attract the moths, after which the solution will kill them.

For a more high-tech option, purchase pheromone traps. These contain scents that mimic the pheromones female moths release to attract males for mating. The males enter but then get trapped.

3. Spinosad

Spinosad is an organic pesticide that can control guava moth caterpillars. It works by disrupting the moth larvae’s nervous system, causing paralysis and later death.

Spray it on the affected fruit and nut trees as directed.

4. Pick Up Fallen Fruits

Picking up fallen, rotting fruits and destroying them helps break the life cycle of these pests. Therefore, regularly patrol your fruit trees and pick up any fallen fruit.

Dispose of the fruits in sealed bags to prevent eggs and larvae from escaping. The moths also pupate in the fallen fruits, so destroying them is crucial.

5. Cover the Tree With a Fine Mesh

Some farmers have had success using a mesh to cover trees such as feijoas immediately after they start flowering.

This home remedy protects the fruits from all kinds of pests. However, use a lightweight mesh that still allows sunlight and airflow.

Drape the mesh over the canopy of the tree, fastening it around the base of the trunk to keep it in place. Also, make sure there are no gaps or tears in the mesh where insects can enter.

6. Chickens

Another organic guava moth control method is to employ chickens.

Chickens are natural predators of maggots, grubs, and all kinds of insect larvae. Allowing chickens to roam freely in your orchard or garden can help reduce guava moth populations.

Chickens will feed on the grubs as they pupate in the soil. Chickens are excellent foragers and will search the ground for these pests.

7. Remove Heavily Infested Trees

In heavy infestations, remove the entire tree. Simply pruning branches won’t be enough, as the moths can continue to linger around.

Also, remove any fallen fruit under the tree that could also harbor moth larvae or pupae. Dispose of all tree parts and fallen fruits by burning, chipping, or sealing them in plastic bags and throwing them in the trash.

Eliminating breeding spots is the most organic and eco-friendly way to gain control over guava moth infestations in your yard or orchard. By eliminating the moths’ habitat and food source, you’ll cut off their lifeline and prevent future generations from emerging.

While it may seem drastic, removing diseased or damaged trees will improve the overall health of your remaining plants in the long run.

8. Arber Bio Insecticide

This is a biological insecticide that you can use to control moths and other common garden pests.

It is toxic to insects when ingested. It also destroys insects’ exoskeletons. Both of these actions end up killing the targeted pests.

Arber Bio Insecticide works at fighting codling moths, alfalfa webworms, fruit flies, sharpshooters, diamondback moths, and other moths and bugs.


So there you have it: a few natural remedies to eliminate guava moths without resorting to harsh chemicals. Give these methods a try in your garden, and you may be enjoying blemish-free fruits in no time.

And remember, the key is to be consistent and patient through the process. Stay vigilant with regular inspections and reapply these natural treatments as needed.

Image via plantandfood.com

Sasha Campbell

Sasha Campbell is an experienced blogger in the organic gardening and natural health niches. She's also a lover of all things natural.

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