Dre Campbell Farm
13 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Gray Mold on Plants

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13 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Gray Mold on Plants

This guide will help you identify gray mold. It will also explore ways to get rid of it using home remedies and natural solutions.

Gray mold, also known as botrytis blight, is a fungal disease that can badly affect some plants [1]. If left untreated, it can even kill the young seedlings of many crops.


Gray mold can affect many types of plants (vegetables, trees, flowers, and even soft fruits). The fungus can spread quickly around your garden. This plant disease is also a common issue with houseplants.

It is caused by a type of fungus known as Botrytis cinerea and thrives in moist environments [2]. You may find gray mold on the soil surface and on plants.

It’s not just the presence of moisture that encourages gray mold to grow, but also the lack of air circulation.

Plants Commonly Affected By Gray Mold

Whether you live in an area prone to botrytis blight, you should know some of the common plants that it might affect. This way, you’re able to act quickly if you notice any symptoms.

Plants like begonias, hydrangeas, snapdragons, hibiscus, roses, peonies, petunias, rosemary, cannabis, and zinnias are vulnerable to gray mold.

Some vegetables and fruits are also susceptible. Tomatoes, asparagus, strawberries, and peppers can be affected by it, as can apples, pears, and other fruit plants.

The good news is that even if this fungus ends up affecting your plant, there is hope of saving the plant with some natural remedies.

How to Get Rid of Gray Mold Naturally

If you observe any signs of gray mold growing on your plants, it’s crucial that you act fast and treat the problem before it spreads to other plants in your garden. The longer you wait, the worse things can get!

Below are some home remedies and natural solutions to help control gray mold:

1. Prune Plants

If you’ve noticed that your plants are too clustered up, it’s time to get out the pruners. Pruning can help reduce humidity in your garden, allowing the plants to dry off quicker and reducing the potential for mold growth.

Remove any dead or decaying stems, branches, or leaves. Also, cut away all infected parts of the plant, as this will prevent mold from spreading to healthy parts of your plant.

Overall, pruning will help provide better air circulation in your garden, which can help reduce humidity and prevent mold from growing.

2. Onion Juice

Here’s one home remedy you may not be familiar with: onion juice! The sulfur content in onions is thought to help keep bugs away. However, the juice also contains antifungal properties [3].

To use onion juice for mold control, simply blend some onions and then strain off the liquid. Next, mix equal parts of onion juice and water and spray it as an all-purpose fungicide for your plants.

You can also use a spray bottle to apply raw onion juice directly to the mold on your bathroom walls and other areas of your house.

3. Neem Oil

This remedy is often used as an organic fungicide. Therefore, it could be a possible solution for those looking for a natural botrytis blight treatment.

Yes, neem oil can help fight against certain fungal disease issues, including this one. To apply, mix one teaspoon of neem oil with one quart of water in a spray bottle and apply it directly to the affected area.

Use this DIY botrytis blight fungicide every few days until you start seeing results.

4. Rake Up Fallen Debris

One way to reduce the severity of mold on your plants is to rake up any fallen debris that may be lying around them.

This includes dropped fruits, leaves, and twigs. By clearing these away, you’ll be reducing the possibility of mold spores spreading.

5. Baking Soda

This household product is often used in gardening endeavors as an antifungal agent.

You can use it to make homemade fungicide for your garden plants. Just combine one tablespoon of baking soda with a teaspoon of liquid soap in a gallon of water.

Shake well and use it to treat fungal diseases like powdery mildew and gray mold.

6. Garlic Spray

You can also make a spray with garlic and some water to help treat gray mold on plants.

Just blend 3 bulbs of garlic in a quart of water. Strain and use the solution to fill a spray bottle. Finally, spray the mixture on your plants.

The garlic water will help kill botrytis blight and other fungal infestations.

7. Keep Plants Dry

One of the best ways to prevent gray mold is to make sure your plants stay dry. This means watering them properly and not overwatering them.

If the leaves are wet for an extended period of time, it creates the perfect environment for gray mold to grow.

8. Space Plants Properly

Another thing you can do to help discourage botrytis blight is to make sure your plants have enough space to breathe.

Molds thrive in humid environments. Therefore, giving your plants plenty of space will help lower the humidity levels and make the environment less hospitable for mold.

9. Remove Infected Plants Immediately

In some cases, removing infected plants from your garden may be the only way to truly eliminate gray mold.

If you find an infected plant, it is important to remove it from your garden quickly. Also, be sure to remove any soil containing fungal spores.

10. Cueva

Cueva has been known to effectively combat gray mold as well as other plant diseases like powdery mildew, shot hole, and peach leaf curl. This product is an organic liquid copper fungicide.

What’s great about Cueva is that it can be used on almost any plant. This includes herbs, fruit and nut crops, vegetables, annuals, and perennials alike.

11. Arber Bio Protectant

Arber Bio Protectant works by encouraging the plant to protect itself. It helps strong and healthy plants stay healthy, so they can fight off diseases like grey mould.

This product is also effective against bacterial speck and black rot.

12. BotryStop

BotryStop is a biofungicide that works as a preventative treatment to control gray mold. To use it, carefully follow the instructions that come with your purchase.


This product is a contact biological fungicide that targets fungal diseases such as botrytis and anthracnose.

CEASE is designed to kill gray mold on plants without harming the environment or introducing any toxic elements into your plants.


If you have gray mold on your plants, be sure to take action quickly. The longer you wait, the more damage it’s likely to do. Try one of the above natural remedies or products and see if it works for you.

Picture via progressivecrop.com

Sasha Campbell

Sasha Campbell is an experienced blogger in the organic gardening and natural health niches. She's also a lover of all things natural.

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