Dre Campbell Farm
Good and Bad Cabbage Companion Plants

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Good and Bad Cabbage Companion Plants

A fantastic practice to protect your garden from common pests while also increasing crop yield is companion planting. What can be planted alongside cabbage?

You’ll be amazed at how many different plants you can grow with cabbage. Planting certain flowers, herbs, and vegetables next to cabbage can help it thrive.

Good Companion Plants for Cabbage

Here is what to plant with cabbage:

  • Carrots
  • Borage
  • Peas
  • Lentils
  • Rosemary
  • Onions
  • Tansy
  • Hyssop
  • Thyme
  • Peppermint
  • Nasturtium
  • Oregano
  • Sage
  • Dill
  • Beets
  • Chives
  • Potatoes
  • Celery
  • Chamomile
  • Marigolds
  • Geranium
  • Yarrow
  • Parsnips

What NOT to Plant with Cabbage

Below is a list of bad companion plants for cabbage.

  • Strawberries
  • Lettuce
  • Mustard plants
  • Grapes
  • Pole beans
  • Rue
  • Corn
  • Tomatoes
  • Pumpkins

Growing Cabbages

To produce large, firm heads, cabbage plants need at least one inch of water every week. Don’t, however, overdo it. Cabbage grows best in well-drained soil rich in organic matter.

Additionally, a pH level of 6 to 7 is good for growing cabbages. For fall planting, make sure the risk of frost is over when transplanting into the garden. Cabbage takes around 7 to 10 days to germinate from seed.

Sow seeds about half an inch deep. Plants also need ample space to thrive. Therefore, thin out seedlings as they develop to ensure that each cabbage plant has enough room to grow.

Additionally, space plants 12 to 14 inches apart and leave a distance of 36 to 44 inches between each row.

Crop rotation is essential for a good harvest. Cabbage crops are heavy feeders and may deplete soil nutrients if they are repeatedly planted in the same area. Therefore, rotate non-brassica plants with cabbage for at least three years before replanting in the same location.

Care and Maintenance

Cabbage plants benefit from mulching around them to retain soil moisture and keep the soil cool during periods of extreme heat. Too much water can cause splits in cabbage heads.

To prevent root rot, improve soil drainage, and avoid excessive irrigation. Also, apply high-nitrogen fertilizer such as DTE Bat Guano to make cabbage heads bigger.

Additionally, to keep weeds under control, pull them by hand or utilize other organic methods of controlling weeds. Also, mulch the soil to keep it wet and prevent weed regrowth.

Pests and Diseases

Cutworms, cabbage loopers, aphids, slugs, diamondback moths, and imported cabbage worms are some of the pests that attack cabbage [1]. However, they may be kept at bay with the use of companion planting and other organic pest control methods.

Prevent cutworms from getting access to young plants by planting tansy nearby. Moreover, you may remove cabbage loopers and worms by hand or spray with organic pesticides.

Additionally, insect larvae, such as cabbage maggots, are common pests. To keep cabbage root flies away, plant radishes alongside your crop.

You can also protect seedlings by covering them with row covers. Plus, if you see maggots in the soil, sprinkle diatomaceous earth around your plants.

Furthermore, the cabbage family is susceptible to plant diseases such as black rot, clubroot, downy mildew, and damping-off. Clubroot causes wilting and stunting in plants, as well as galls on the roots.

Destroy or remove unhealthy plants promptly. Also, practice crop rotation once every 3 to 4 years. Read more on how to treat and prevent plant diseases naturally.


The right time to harvest depends on when you planted, the variety of cabbage, and when the heads mature. However, most varieties take about 70 days to reach maturity.

When the head of the cabbage is large and firm, remove it from the plant. The size may also vary depending on the variety of cabbage.

Cabbage heads that are picked before they are mature might split. Also, if you want to get the most flavor out of your pickled cabbage, consume it right away.

To harvest cabbage so it keeps growing, cut off the head at the base and leave the loose outer leaves in place on the stem. Also, ensure that the root is still intact.

New heads will then begin to sprout. However, pinch them off to leave about four smaller heads. These will grow into miniature cabbages.

Finally, remove the stumps of sprouts from the ground after harvesting this second batch. Leaving them in the ground presents a breeding place for pests.


When properly kept at 32 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit, cabbage retains its freshness for up to six months. Therefore, the refrigerator’s crisper compartment is perfect for storing.

You may also store them in a root cellar at a lower temperature. However, do not store cabbage alongside ethylene-producing fruits and vegetables [2].

Where to Buy Seeds

Choosing high-quality cabbage seeds is a must when you’re ready to get started in your garden.

Several gardening outlets sell seeds. Organic seeds may also be purchased from trustworthy internet retailers.


It’s best to think ahead about probable cabbage-growing issues so that you can avoid them. Even seedlings need healthy, well-prepared soil.

To keep your plants healthy, water them often and mulch around them. In addition, by growing good companion plants with cabbages, you may help keep them healthy and free of pests as well.

Sasha Campbell

Sasha Campbell is an experienced blogger in the organic gardening and natural health niches. She's also a lover of all things natural.

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